Monday, 11 July 2011

Salford BNP On Recruitment Drive.‏

Salford BNP Deputy Organiser Keith Fairhurst - Leafleting
Salford BNP Organiser Gary Tumulty Leafleting

By RWB political correspondent

Salford BNP's dynamic duo Gary Tumulty and Keith Fairhurst spent all of Monday afternoon leafletting two wards with a selection of party literature which included the new 'No to EU' leaflets, and the party's latest recruitment tool, ' We Want Our Country Back' leaflets.

Unaffected by the leadership challenge, Mr Tumulty and Mr Fairhurst have continued to concentrate on taking the British National Party message to the streets of Salford, targetting key wards with high levels of support.

Gary Tumulty was keen to point out that ' It is vitally important that we continue our work in our areas, tackling local issues, and letting our supporters know we will never desert them, the support round here is good, and we are determined to build on that'.

Keith Fairhurst added ' It's encouraging to hear locals give their support to the British National Party and their campaigns, it is now up to us as a branch to turn that soft support into voters and active members. I believe the literature that we put out today will achieve substantial success. Salford residents are crying out for an alternative to the Lib/Lab/Con cabal, and we are determined to be that alternative'.

RWB Salford would like to say how proud they are of the Salford branch, and will continue to bring the latest news on what they are achieving in and around Salford. Check in regularly to find out what they are up to.

1 comment:

  1. I will check in regularly and I am proud of the Salford branch!

    Hope to come up from Birmingham and give you chaps a hand some time.

    Vote British National Party!
