
Wednesday 29 August 2012

Salford Councillors Expense Claims 2011 / 12

Salford Council Expenses 2011/12

Do you think you get value for your money??

Three councilors per ward (20) all together in total collect £602,741

Special expense claims totals in at £307,259

Giving a grand total of £910, 000

Grand Total Of Councilors & Co-Op-tee's

Basic councilors entitlement is £10,080 a year out of the 68 councilors who claimed in the year 2011/12 35 have claimed will over their basic, some claiming more than double, named and shamed below;

Bill Hinds Labour £23,091 
Derek Antrobus Labour £23,091 
Eric Burgoyne Labour £26,650  
David Lancaster £24,717 
Joseph Murphy Labour £23,091 
Paula Boshell Labour £23,091 
Peter Connor Labour £23,091 
Ray Mashiter Labour £22,209
Margaret Morris Labour £23,091 
John Warmisham Labour £23091

And against for the year's  biggest single claimer is 'special' Labour Councillor John Merry with a £38,265
John Merry Labour, Nose In Troth 


  1. salford council where is money13 September 2012 at 16:04

    Gready bastards only in it for the money

  2. why the hell do they need so many councillors in the 1st place let alone 13 deputy mayors and a lazy cunt mayor on 68k whos only election promise was to create more ties with the trade unions.a vote for that leftist fuckwit was a vote wasted. the whole idea of having an elected mayor was to save money and this cunt who got in has his hand further in the till

  3. Robbing bastards .
    And that twat Spicer stings us for over £200,000 pa.
    Chief Executive Robbing Twat .
