Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Salford School Crisis

Stop Mass Immigration Says Salford BNP 

British National Party exposed on this site 18th September 2011 how Salford schools had took a battering from the mass immigration,(Click Link) and the baby boom that followed behind it, Left wing rag of a paper Manchester Evening News ran a headline report to the same effect today.

It is reported how schools in Greater Manchester have now run out of spaces, make shift portable cabin's will now be drafted in, along with old class rooms re-opened to keep children in school because of the rocketing numbers of immigrants pouring into the country.

The four worst effected places, Salford, Manchester, Trafford and Stockport, have closed its doors at many primary schools and head teachers refusing to take more children in, stating we are full to the bursting.

Salford school crisis as previously reported first on this site, now has to spend a massive 500,000 to draft in the use of portable cabins to keep up with demands and help accommodate a further 700 pupils John Merry failed Labour mayoral candidate, who was stabbed in the back by his own party stated "an extra ten schools were required to create a further 4200 predicted new comers to keep in with demands"  Senior council official say John Merry predictions is a 'dark act, and quite scary'.

Gary Tumulty Salford, British National Party Organiser tells the reporters  "The Manchester Evening News is reporting Old News, and stealing our findings we report it how it is, we all know what the Labour Party are doing, Importing foreigners to gerrymander for votes.

"British children should come first we should never deny them an education, close the boarders fast time is running out, we cannot handle the flood of immigrants washing up here and draining our services"" Gary Concludes.

Salford Housing Scandal

Welcome To The UK

By Kay Pollitt

Labour controlled Salford Council refuse to give the houses to the local Salfordians and show express preferential treatment to asylum seekers, in the great sixty minute house give away.

Local Labour councilors and left wing marxist communist style party's who control over 80% of the council refuse to acknowledge or speak about the social housing problem, many of the local case work Salford British National Party, councilors in waiting, take on this issue regarding housing and the current unfair bidding system which makes it impossible for the local Salfordian to be provided with council homes.

Fancy A House?

This week has shown further corruption by the council, and favoritism towards asylum seekers. as Salford Organiser Gary Tumulty, and partner Kay Pollitt explain.

Monday morning we went to the housing options building (formerly Salford opportunities) on Churchill Way, and was appalled to see that most of the waiting area and reception desk was took up by bags upon bags of clothes, toys, and other worldly goods. Gary managed to find my way through to a small space left to sit whilst Kay went to reception with her inquiry.

Kay shouted Gary fifteen minutes later in total shock, who then informed him of what she had just witnessed, whilst speaking to the receptionist an Asian man had rudely interrupted using only sharp jabbing motions with his hand and one word (letter) which he repeated over and over, Kay ignored this and continued to speak to the receptionist so he threw the letter on the counter, addressed from the UK Border Agency, then he shoved another letter on the desk this again addressed from UK Border Agency, this however had his picture and information about himself, the words he used for this were ID ID ID, Kay was then asked to return two hours later.

Airport Or Council Office?

Gary and Kay made a point of returning earlier than asked, and were just in time to see the man and his family being bundled into a people carrier with extra packages which looked to be food and believe it or not a a fan to cool them down due to the hot weather.

Wait For Your Home.

Five minutes later one of the local asylum seeker team came out noticed Gary and Kay recognised us from the 'heat or eat' encounter and verbally attacked Gary saying you have history of recording us, you better not be doing that today, stating that if he did he would be breaking the law but couldn't actually state which law this was, another member of the team were then overheard saying are we fully aware of who that is in reception his colleague replied yes it's the local BNP.

Defo Mine.....

It's evident from this days events that Asylum seekers ARE given council houses without a second thought whilst local Salfordians including young families are pretty much told go fend for yourself. and join the never ending bidding system.

Take It Easy, I Have Moved To Easy Street

Salford British National Party now make it their priority to fight for local houses for local people, for Salford residents reading this report, in support or facing your own housing issue, join the nationalist resistance contact Gary on 07909674006 or email

This is not the end of this issue and follow up reports will be following.

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Salford Hospital In Distress.

Salford Royal Hospital In Urgent Need Of Help

Salford Royal Hospital, for the second time this year fly's union flag upside down, Traditionally flying a flag upside down is understood as a distress signal

Would You Believe That?

RWB Salford have contacted Salford Royal Hospital to ask them to explain why the flag is upside down, is it one, incompetence of the staff who placed the flag up, two, they just don't understand way way the flag should be flown on the pole, or three a real distress signal and require urgent help?


Monday, 7 May 2012

Salford Election Overview

Looking At The Results

Thursday 3rd May 2012 was the day when the lib dem party was completely wiped off the map in Salford, and now holding 0 seats. The British National Party, in most wards coming before them, and beating others such as the green's and community action party (Communists). 

Stormin Normin No More

Most wards and some we have for the first time contested in Salford all percentages were up, and finishing in 3rd places and in Irwell Riverside where our Organiser lives and contests a fantastic 2nd place.

Labour did indeed win more seats, including the mayoral seat, and this is exactly how they did it. Labour used Unite Union to target all the postal voters which must have cost them a small fortune, and no other party in Salford could possibly compete with that. The postal vote registers are only available to the candidates / agents, so just how the Unite Union came across such information is your guess, Salford BNP Investigations revealed to the chief executive, Returning Officer Barbara Spicer, who gets over a whopping £200 thousand pounds of tax payers money, was made aware of the finding from the Salford team, and failed to disqualify or investigate our allegations of corrupt and wrong doings of the Labour Party and stressed if our Organiser Gary Tumulty carried on challenging and making such claims he would be removed and arrested at the count.

Barbara Spicer, Its Not My Duty 

Gary Tumulty's Comment on this is "The returning officer in Salford has a duty to the public to make sure elections are run fairly and within the guidelines of the law, Barbara did not like me challenging her authority, she was reading scripted answers and when i told her you have brought the council in to dispute and you should resign from your post, she went up the wall, another point i made to her was, you keep telling me there is no corruption in Salford city council or in the way elections are run, but the only way you can say this is failing to investigate claims of corruption".

Salford British National Party, got back some fine results, which we did not throw a lot of money in to, and we kept to our core values towards nationalists across the city, with no smoke screens, what you see is what you get no nonsense policy, Eddy O'Sullivan took 4.6% of the votes in the mayoral election, although we did not keep the deposit, which we would of liked, it was a very low turn out with a staggering 73% of Salfordians not bothering to vote, The mayoral election is a 100% increase on results and a building block for the next 4 years when we contest this seat again.

The 73% of voters in Salford are disillusioned with current government and feel let down badly, Salford elections mainly now rely on postal votes, around two thirds of people vote in this way, Salford British National Party in my experience, and any body who has ever been out with us in past, would have to agree its a seven to one support Pro BNP city, if them seven people went out to vote, we could have won, so its achievable, just a lot of hard work is required.

Make Your Mark BNP [x]

Our target is to continue to sign up soft supporters to postal voters, starting with members, then their family, then on to their friends, then high support white working class area's who feel let down by Labour, we need to also approach this with a double barrel approach, Local issues are the way forward, lets stop talking of national issues, although they matter a lot, locals are not really bothered by them, its the issues happening locally what is effecting them.

Salford has an issue with social council housing, local people can not get them, and express service will always be given to asylum seekers, this is a nation wide issue with every single council up and down the country, lets focus on it, the answer is not to build more, but the answer is to make applications more fairer for the local people. 

We need to take a leaf out of Labour's book, and step in to their arena, and tackle them face to face, look at their leaflets its all positive what they do for community's and local issues, we must learn an approach from the same angle, because we can do this much better than them, forget UKIP, Green's, National Front and the English Dems, they have there thing to do as we have ours, they are not the competition, In Salford all party's are completely different politically, but we all agree with one thing, Labour OUT! Labour are controlling many councils we should aim high, lets work towards smashing the Labour party, more smears and aggression is needed Parents against pedophiles, Labour25 scandal must be used to show hardcore Labour voters just what exactly they are voting for. 

Gary Tumulty Salford British National Party tell news team "Time is running out city's are getting occupied with immigrants, this is done on purpose for the sole reason of gerrymandering votes, Immigrants will never vote BNP, I mean lets see it from their prospective, would you vote against some body who has just gave you every thing for free, you don't bite the hand what feeds you, a well known fact. 

"Votes are coming from patriots and nationalist of this country, to current there are more of us than there are of them, lets focus on grass routes votes, the voter like who we are and what we stand for. 

"I would like to also thank all the candidates who have stood up for the Salfordians in this election, and to the Labour party, We are watching and awaiting your fall, because believe me it will happen, and i personally will help that take place the Salford British National Party are here to stay, and take the place of the traitors in the council" Gary Concludes 

Friday, 4 May 2012

Salford BNP Election Results 2012

Make Your Mark BNP [x]

First we bring you the mayoral election results.

Total turnout 26.05% 

British National Party Candidate Eddy O'Sullivan

Labour - 20,663
Tory - 8,055
UKIP - 3,368
Ind - 2,665
Lib Dem - 2,148
BNP - 2,026
Ind - 1,995
English Dem - 1,616
Green - 1,273
CAP - 1,065

British National Party take a 4.51% of the votes home, Vote Increase of 100%

RWB Admin team, say well done Eddy

Local Election's

Irwell Riverside - British National Party Candidate Gary Tumulty

Labour - 1208
BNP - 202
Lib Dem - 158
Tory - 150

Cadishead - British National Party Candidate Brenda Leather

Labour - 1419
Tory - 378
BNP - 277
Lib Dem - 90

Claremont - British National Party Candidate Eddy O'Sullivan

Labour - 1310
Lib Dem - 697
Tory - 250
UKIP - 234
BNP - 198
CAP - 69

Langworthy - British National Party Candidate David Spencer

Labour - 1269
Lib Dem - 416
BNP - 282
Tory - 147

Pendlebury - British National Party Candidate Wayne Taylor

Labour - 1469
Tory - 396
BNP - 240
CAP - 174
Green - 129
Lib Dem - 119

Swinton South - British National Party Candidate Kay Pollitt

Labour - 1072
Green - 394
Tory - 376
BNP - 172
Lib Dem - 141
English Dem - 112
CAP - 86

Weaste & Seedley - British National Party Candidate Tommy Williams

Labour - 1240
Lib Dem - 424
Tory - 287
BNP - 197
CAP - 119

Winton - British National Party Candidate Stuart Henshaw

Labour - 1142
Ind - 506
Tory - 277
BNP - 210
Lib Dem - 107

Little note from RWB Salford, To all the candidates who placed their name on the ballet paper and stood up for their country, nationalism and what they believed in a massive thank you, we are in a struggle and it very important we stand against the traitors and the corruption in Salford City Council along with the Labour Party who fuel it all. One day it will all be ours, because its there for the taking.

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Polling Day Vote British National Party BNP [x]

Vote BNP Salford

Thursday 3rd May 2012 has finally arrived, now is the time to make an impact in Salford, this is your final chance, tomorrow is to late, Vote for the British National Party.

All of Salford can vote Eddy O'Sullivan for Mayor

Not only that we have local candidates standing as well

Irwell Riverside - Gary Tumulty
Langworthy - David Spencer
Weaste & Seadly - Tommy Williams
Pendlebury - Wayne Taylor
Swinton South - Kay Pollitt
Cadishead - Brenda Leather
Claremont - Eddy O'Sullivan
Winton - Stuart Henshaw

The polling stations have been open since 7AM and will remain open till 10PM, A list of local stations of where you can vote can be viewed on this site by clicking this link

If you have lost your polling card don't worry, you do NOT  need it, just go down to your local station and give them your name and address, you do NOT even need i.d. 

Forgot your postal vote, and still wish to vote, complete the ballet paper and hand it in at any station across the city of Salford 

Night Before The Election

Right Across Salford

The calm before the storm, Salford British National Party activist teams place bill boards up on all the main routes and A roads in and out of the city, 

A  few pictures below, RWB Salford reporting teams went out all over to report on the activism

A Roads 
Main Drags 
Motorway Bridges

High impact locations where carefully selected, and even though not alot of people of the few we did see waved, thumbs up and blasted horn in support of voting British National Party

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Salford 2012 Polling Stations

Vote BNP.

Thursday 3rd May 2012 - All Salford Polling Stations Listed Below Open 7AM Till 10PM

Remember you do NOT need your polling card to vote, just go to your local station and give your name and address, you do not even need id,

Late postal votes can be handed in at any station, or the Civic Centre, Chorley Road, again up to 10PM

Any problems getting to station, or unsure how to vote, Ring Salford British National Party on 07909674006 for help

Thank you to every body who has gone to vote.


Wesley Methodist Church, Lords Street, Cadishead, M44 5EH
Cadishead Sure Start Childrens Centre, Allotment Road, Cadishead, M44 5JD
St. Teresa's R. C. Primary School, McDonald Road Entrance, Irlam,  M44 5ZA
St. Mary's Primary School, Buckingham Road, Cadishead,  M44 5HG
Temporary Building, The Green, Victory Road, Cadishead, M44 5FB
Irlam & Cadishead Youth Centre, Fairhills Road/, Liverpool Road, M44 6BA


Irlam Community Centre, Locklands Lane/, Ferryhill Road, Irlam M44 6RB
Irlam Community Centre, Locklands Lane/, Ferryhill Road, Irlam M44 6RB
Moorfield Primary School, Acorn Centre, Cutnook Lane, Irlam M44 6JX
Boundary Road Methodist Church, Boundary Road, Irlam M44 6HD


Beech Street Centre, Eccles,  M30 8GB
Mary Magdalene Church, Westbourne Road, Winton, Eccles, M30 8DE
St Matthews Rc Church, Worsley Road, Winton, Eccles, M30 8BL
Alder Brook Primary Partnership Centre, (Ex Alder Park Primary), Walnut Road, Winton, Eccles, M30 8LE
Barton Moss Primary School, Trippier Road, Peel Green, Eccles, M30 7PT
Peel Green House, Liverpool Road, Peel Green, Eccles, M30 7LP
Westwood Park Community Centre, Grasmere Crescent, Winton, M30 8DW
Temporary Building Junction, Of Hiley Road/, Brookhouse Avenue, Eccles, M30 7PX
Barclay Community Centre, Cook Street, Eccles, M30 8QG


Temporary Building Car Park Unicorn Pub, Liverpool Road, Eccles, M30 7BY
Godfrey Ermen Memorial School, School Road, Barton, Eccles, M30 7BJ
Godfrey Ermen Memorial School, School Road, Barton, Eccles, M30 7BJ
Lewis Street Primary School, Lewis Street, Eccles, M30 0UP
Eccles Gateway Centre, 28 Barton Lane, Eccles, M30 0TU
Barton Village Community Centre, Enfield Close, Eccles, M30 0QD
Temporary Building, Adjacent To 5 Proctor Way, Peel Green, Eccles, M30 7WF
Christ Church Primary School, Nelson Street, Eccles, M30 0GZ


Eccles Masonic Hall, Half Edge Lane, Eccles, M30 9BA
Eccles Masonic Hall, Half Edge Lane, Eccles, M30 9BA
Monton Methodist Church, Park Road, Monton, Eccles, M30 9JG
Wentworth High School, Wentworth Road, Eccles, M30 9BP
Cornerstone Calvary Chapel, 1 Old Wellington Road, Eccles, M30 7QG
Unitarian Church Hall, Monton Green, Eccles, M30 8AP
City West Housing, Eccles Area Office, 52 Regent Street, Eccles, M30 0AW

Swinton South

St. Mary's R.C. Primary School, Milner Street, Swinton, M27 4AS
Veterans Bowling Club, Victoria Park, Swinton, M27 4UR
Temporary Building, South Avenue, Swinton, M27 5RP
Temporary Building, Grosvenor Road School, Grosvenor Road Entrance, Swinton, M27 5EG
Bethesda Church  Hall, Junction Of Eccles Road/, Worsley Road, Swinton, M27 5SW
Temporary Building, Lay-By, Campbell Road, Swinton, M27 5QG
Humphrey Booth Resource Centre, Worsley Road, Swinton, M27 5SN
Worsley Road Methodist Church, Harrowby Road Entrance, Swinton, M27 0EF


Temporary Building Adj To, 4 Park Lane West, Pendlebury, M27 8TS
Agecroft Fire Station, Bolton Road, Pendlebury, M27 8XS
St. Augustine's Primary School, Bolton Road, Pendlebury, M27 8UX
Clifton Resource Centre, 14 The Green, Clifton, Swinton, M27 8QL
St. Mark's Primary School, Queensway, Clifton, Swinton, M27 8QE
Clifton Community Centre, 6 Wynne Avenue, Clifton,  M27 2EY
Clifton Neighbourhood Centre, Manchester Road, Clifton,  M27 6PP
Communal Room, Laurence Lowry Court, Lowry Drive, Pendlebury, M27 6DL

Swinton North

Wardley Community Centre, Ash Drive, Wardley, Swinton, M27 9RS
Mossfield Sure Start Childrens Centre, Mossfield Road, Pendlebury, M27 6EH
Fit City Pendlebury, Cromwell Road, Pendlebury, M27 9SZ
Fletcher Hall, Vicarage Road, Swinton, M27 0WA
Communal Room, Sindsley Court, Entwistle Street, Wardley, Swinton, M27 9RL
St. Charles Primary School, Emlyn Street, Off Moorside Road, Swinton, M27 9PD
Clifton Primary School, Wroe Street, Clifton, Swinton, M27 6PF


The Hollies, Moorfield Close, Swinton, M28 1BN
Worsley Village Library, Worsley Road, Worsley, M28 2PB
Holy Rood Church Hall, Moorside Road, Swinton, M27 0HJ
Beesley Green, Community Centre, Greenleach Lane, Worsley, M28 2QW
Worsley Road United, Reformed Church, Worsley Road, Swinton, M27 0AG
St. Mark's Church Hall, Walkden Road, Worsley, M28 2YA

Walkden South

Guild Hall Community Centre, Guild Avenue, Walkden, M28 3AS 
St. Paul's Primary School, (Nursery Unit), Crompton Street, Walkden, M28 3HP
Walkden High School, Old Clough Lane, Walkden, M28 7JB
Temporary Building Junction  Of, Edge Fold Road/, Broadway,M28 7GE
James Brindley Primary School, Parr Fold Avenue, Worsley, M28 7HE
St. George's High School, Parsonage Drive, Walkden, M28 3SH
Mesne Lea, Mesne Lea Primary School, Henniker Street, Walkden, M28 7FG

Walkden North

Methodist Church, Cleggs Lane, Little Hulton, Worsley, M38 9UW
Bridgewater Youth Club, Bridgewater Street, Little Hulton, M38 9WD
St. John (Ellesmere), Community Centre, Algernon Road, Walkden, M28 3RE

St. Paul's Heathside Sure Start, Childrens Centre, Heathside Grove, Walkden, M28 3NZ

Little Hulton

Wharton United Reformed Church, Highgate Lane, Little Hulton, M38 9SZ
Dukesgate Primary School, Earlesdon Crescent, Little Hulton, M38 9HF
Bethany Family Worship Centre, Kenyon Way, Little Hulton, M38 0EN
Peel Church Hall, Manchester Road West, Little Hulton, M38 9EG
Armitage Social Club, Madamswood Road, Worsley, M28 0JU
Hilton Lane Primary School, Madams Wood Road, Worsley, M28 0JY

Boothstown and Ellenbrook

Boothstown Community Centre, Standfield Drive, Boothstown, M28 1NB
Boothstown Methodist Primary School, Chapel Street, Boothstown, M28 1DG
Ellenbrook Primary School, Longwall Avenue, Ellenbrook, Worsley, M28 7PS
Bridgewater Park Boothstown Junior, Football Club, Amberhill Way, M28 1UP


Lower Kersal Primary School, St Aidans Grove, Salford, M7 3TN
St. Paul's Primary School, Nevile Road, Salford, M7 3PT
Brentnall Primary School, Northumberland Street, Salford, M7 4RP
Bethel Church, Hamilton Hall, Tetlow Lane, Salford, M7 4BU
Adult Learning Centre, 138 Leicester Road, Salford, M7 4GB


Riverview Primary School, 1 Wheaters Street, Salford, M7 1QZ
St. Clement's Church Hall, Ellis Street, Salford, M3 7DW
Community House, 89 Heath Avenue, Salford,  M7 1NY
Temporary Building, St John's Street, Salford  M7 2EA
North Salford Civic Youth Centre, Devonshire Street, Salford, M7 4TL
Marlborough Road, Primary School, Marlborough Road, Salford, M7 4XU
Broughton Hub, Rigby Street, Salford,  M7 4BQ
St Boniface School, Nursey Unit, Yew Street, Salford, M7 2HL
St. James Church Parish Hall, Great Cheetham Street East, Salford, M7 4UH
St. Boniface's Parish Centre, St. Boniface Road, Salford, M7 2GE


Salford Lads and Girls Club, St. Ignatius Walk, Salford, M5 3RX
Islington Community Centre, Canon Hussey Court, Islington Way, Salford, M3 5HZ
St. Clement's Church, Hulton Street, Salford, M5 3WN
Temporary Building Montford Street, [Off Howard Street], Salford, M50 2XD
Salford Watersports Centre, 15 The Quays, Salford, M50 3SQ
Sacred Trinity Church, Chapel Street, Salford, M3 5DW


Langworthy Cornerstone, 451 Liverpool Street, Salford, M6 5QQ
Fit City Clarendon, Liverpool Street, Salford, M5 4AY
Willow Tree Primary School, Greenland Street, Salford, M6 5TJ
Holy Family Primary School, Lower Seedley Road, Salford, M6 5WX
Pendleton Gateway Centre, 1 Broadwalk, Salford, M6 5FX
St. Paul's Primary School, Cross Lane, Salford, M5 4AL
William Sutton Trust, Community Centre, Doveridge Gardens/Seedley Road, Salford, M6 5NQ
Community Room, 15 Springbank, Brentwood, Salford, M6 8RH
Mount Chapel Church, 32 Eccles Old Road, Salford, M6 7AF

Irwell Riverside

Temporary Building, Lay-By, Seaford Road/, Greyhound Drive, Salford M6 6ER
St Sebastians, Community Centre, 1 Douglas Green, Salford M6 6ES
St Thomas's Church, Ford Lane, Salford M6 6PE
The Friars Primary School, Cannon Street, Salford M3 7EU
Greengate Community, Centre, Newbank Tower, Bridgewater Street, Salford M3 7JZ
Pendleton House, Broughton Road, Salford M6 6LS
The Beacon Centre, London Street, Salford M6 6QT
Summerville Sure Start Childrens Centre, Summerville Road, Salford M6 7HB


Pendleton College, Dronfield Road, Salford M6 7FR
Masonic Hall, Hospital Road, Pendlebury M27 1EY
Lightoaks Junior School, Brandon Road Entrance, Salford M6 8LU
The Height Youth Club, King Street, Salford M6 7GY

Weaste & Seedley

St Lukes Primary School, Gray Street, Off Eccles New Road, Salford, M5 5NX
Basic Centre, 554 Eccles New Road, Salford, M5 5AP
All Hallows Rc Business,, And Enterprise and College, Weaste Lane, Hebden Road Entrance, Salford, M5 5JH
Chandos Sports and Social Club, Chandos Grove, Dodd Street Entrance, Salford, M5 5LJ

Salford BNP - A Safe Bet

Eddy O'Sullivan BNP For Mayor

Bookies have placed a 16/1 odds on Eddy O'Sullivan British National Party candidate to become mayor of Salford

Lets have one last overview of what Eddy O'Sullivan wants for Salford

Local houses must be for the local people
Pledge to drive down council tax to a manageable rate
To stop Labour wasting Salford tax payers money
Free parking on all commercial shopping area's
Committed to generating local jobs for local people and apprenticeships for school leavers
To improve education services in Salford

This is just a snippet of what Eddy O'Sullivan wants for Salford, Eddy is committed to the people of Salford and will offer a fresh out look in this great city of where we live.

One choice Eddy O'Sullivan, British National Party, Salford's real and only hope

Salford BNP Final Push

Salford BNP Candidate's On The Road

Activism in Salford is at it's peak. The RWB political report  team can reveal that after a year of continuous campaigning the Salford British National Party Branch, have stepped up a notch for the final effort to secure more votes for the upcoming local and mayoral elections.

Over the past few weeks we have followed teams across the whole of  Salford, in their bid to make the public aware of their chance to vote for the British National Party on a massive scale this year, and hopefully make a difference. Teams from all wards in Salford have bombarded houses with local, national and mayoral leaflets.The main focus being Irwell Riverside where RWB correspondent and Salford British National Party Organiser Gary Tumulty hopes to make a massive difference.

Gary took time out of his busy schedule to have a quick chat and tell us how it is going, "it's absolutely fantastic the response from the public is greater than ever. I have lost track of the amount of people who have approached us with housing issues. I have even had local black cab drivers come to me saying they were hardcore Lib Dem supporters until they heard Norman Owen say he was going to de-regulate taxis, and I can happily say we will receive their vote this year. so many thanks Norman on giving us that vote and humiliating yourself in the process. also Labour have dug their own grave this year, Ian Stewart refusing to share a platform with us has angered many of the public who deemed it as unfair and in fact quite childlike, one lady said he really needs to grow up.

Gary Tumulty Salford BNP Organiser

Gary then went on to tell us of the super campaign of his mayoral candidate Eddy O'Sullivan.. " bookies odds started the week at 20-1, they are now 16-1 lets see what they are by Thursday. as we are getting more and more support daily, only today whilst out canvassing in Irwell Riverside we were asked by around 10 people   how they could become members and if they could come out leafleting with us as in there words they would love a British National Party Mayor and Councillor  for their area".

Gary  concluded by making this statement.

"I would like to say a massive thank you  upfront to all the voters that have and will place there faith in us, Thank you to all activists that have helped us in this important time. Well done to all my members that are standing. Well done to Eddy for putting himself forward as our mayor candidate. And to the Labour party be warned, do not under estimate the British National Party, we will run you out of the city".